Capybara Project Registry
Enabling Transparent and Decentralized Project Management
The Capybara Project Registry is a smart contract-based system that allows users to create, manage, and update detailed project profiles within the Capybara ecosystem. This platform leverages blockchain technology to ensure transparency, security, and decentralized governance. Here's an overview of its key features:
Project Creation
Eligibility: Users must own a CapyID NFT to create a project.
Detailed Information: Projects include comprehensive details such as the project's name, sector, description, funding needed, valuation, financing type, business model, team members, milestones, metrics, market size, competition, competitive advantage, growth strategy, legal structure, intellectual property, regulatory compliance, risks, mitigation strategies, and contact information.
Required Fields: The project's name, description, and email address are mandatory fields during project creation to ensure complete and essential information is provided.
Project Management
Field Updates: Project owners or designated governors can update various fields of the project, including the name, sector, description, and more.
Team Management: Functions are available to add or remove team members from a project.
Milestone and Metric Updates: Specific functions allow adding or removing milestones and metrics to track project progress.
Governance and Permissions
Owner and Governor Roles: Only the project owner or designated governors can modify project details, ensuring that only authorized individuals can make changes.
Event Tracking: The contract emits events when projects are created or updated, providing a transparent log of changes for the community.
Key Features in Detail
Creating a Project
To create a project, users must provide detailed information, including but not limited to:
Name and Sector: Identify the project and its industry.
Description: Provide a comprehensive overview of the project.
Funding and Valuation: Specify the funding needed and the project's valuation.
Team Members and Milestones: List key team members and project milestones.
Contact Information: Include a contact name, email address, and phone number for communication.
Updating Project Information
Owners and governors can update project fields as needed. Specific functions are provided to manage team members, milestones, and metrics to ensure the project's details are current and reflective of its progress.
Transparency and Accountability
The ProjectRegistry contract emphasizes transparency and accountability:
Event Emission: Events are emitted whenever a project is created or updated, providing a transparent log of activities.
Access Control: Only authorized users can make changes, ensuring that project information remains secure and trustworthy.
By utilizing the ProjectRegistry smart contract, the Capybara ecosystem provides a robust and transparent platform for managing project profiles. This system ensures that detailed project information is securely stored on the blockchain, enabling decentralized and transparent management of projects. Users with CapyID NFTs can actively participate in creating and managing projects, fostering a collaborative and accountable community within the Capybara ecosystem.
Last updated