
The Capybara DAO, powered by GARDEN tokens, serves as a governance mechanism within the Capy ecosystem, allowing users to participate in decision-making processes. Here's an overview of the governance features :

  1. Voting on Weekly Cashout Percentage: GARDEN token holders can participate in weekly voting to determine the cashout percentage for GARDEN holders. The default cashout percentage is set at 1%, but users can propose and decide on changes to this percentage through the voting process.

  2. Voting on DAO Funding Rate: GARDEN token holders can also participate in voting to determine the rate at which funds are allocated to the Capybara DAO. This percentage represents the fee collected from cashouts and is directed towards funding DAO initiatives and projects.

  3. Proposal Submission and Funding Requests: GARDEN token holders can burn CAPY tokens to create proposals for new Capy projects. These proposals outline the details and funding requirements of the project. The community can then vote on whether to approve or reject the proposal. Approved proposals receive the requested funding at the end of the project timeline.

  4. DAO Funding Allocation: The Capy DAO has a budget allocated for funding projects and initiatives. The funding is sourced from fees collected from cashouts. The DAO evaluates proposals based on their merit, alignement with the Capy ecosystem, and potential benefits to the community.

  5. Governance Mechanism: The voting process for both cashout percentage and funding requests follows a democratic approach, with GARDEN token holders having voting power proportionate to their holdings. The voting mechanism can be executed through on-chain voting or utilizing off-chain governance solutions.

  6. Transparent Decision-Making: The Capy DAO strives for transparency in decision-making. Details of proposals, voting results, and project funding are made available to the community to ensure transparency and accountability.

By utilizing GARDEN tokens for voting and proposal submission, the Capy DAO enables the community to actively participate in shaping the direction of the Capy ecosystem. It facilitates decentralized decision-making and resource allocation based on the consensus of GARDEN token holders.

Last updated